How to order
How to order
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All perfect bind copies are signed by author.
Print copy is $18.95 plus shipping
Paypal is our preferred method of payment; however, you are welcome to send a US check for $23.45 (media shipping) if book is to be mailed within the United States. For international destinations, if you do not have a paypal account, you are welcome to send CASH in a letter. We accept euros, English pounds and Australian dollars. Shipping will be by first class international priority for a 2 lb weight package (between $16-18). If Europe is the destination, please send 30 EURO. For buyers in the British Isles, please send 25 GBP. Australian buyers send AUS $35. Please send check or cash payment to:
Deslie McClellan
2773 Evergreen Circle
Emmaus, PA 18049
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An ebook copy is $8.95
After paypal payment is received, will email you a link within 24 hours to download the ebook. You will be able to choose from two options: the larger size press quality pdf file suitable for reading on a computer/laptop, or a smaller pdf file that can be transferred to an iPad or other kindle-type reader. Amazon now offers free synchronization programs to transfer pdf files to your iPad or Kindle device. Information on these links will also be provided in the email we send you. We no longer offer KINDLE downloads of Prince of Our Dreams due to the poor Kindle conversion by Amazon of the “story within the story” and poetic cipher and sonnet forms our printed book offers. A pdf ebook conversion keeps the book structure intact and thus easily readable.